Thank You Crystal Pye for my Versatile Blogger Award. It's so cool to know someone is reading.
Now there are some rules when it comes to this award & here they are:
1. Thank the person who awarded you and link back to them in your post.
2. Tell 7 Random facts about yourself. (that's below)
3. Pass the award on to 15 new found bloggers.
4. Contact each blogger you want to pass the award on to and let them know you've done so, and let the giver of your award know you accept it.
1) I love anime and manga
2) I like snowy nights
3) I believe one day someone will find bigfoot. (I know, I know..)
4) I wont get lasik surgery because I like to take my glasses off dramatically
5) My favorite comic book characters are The Flash and Spiderman
5) I am going to be one of the greatest screenwriters there is
6) I dont count batman as a superhero
7) I love to gaze at the stars
Now here is where I'm going to have to break the rules, I'm pretty new at the blogging so I don't have 15 bloggers to give the award to, but I'll give it to as many as I have.
BTW I love #4 Random Fact